We have libraries for preschool, infants and juniors.
Meet Mrs Dunn
Mrs Dunn taught at Gisburn Road School for many years and after retiring spends two days a week running our school library. She ensures the books in the library are interesting and inspiring and regularly updates the books to suit what the children want.

Junior Library
Our main library is open for you to come and browse with your children. The library has recently moved upstairs, above the main hall.

"Our youngest daughter, although not old enough to attend school, drags me into the infant library every day. She loves to read Maisy books and Room on the Broom whilst her older sister is getting ready for class. The beautiful collages on the wall - featuring characters from lots of her favourite stories - are a fabulous addition. Woe betide the person who stops her exploring the books at Gisburn Road!" Parent
Infants and Preschool Libraries
There is also a library in the infant building, plus a small library in the preschool department. Children will have their book swapped at least once a week, with many children taking the opportunity to change books more frequently.