AFTER SCHOOL CLUB – Christmas Crafts – Yr1 & Yr2


Gisburn Road Community Primary School logo








Dear Parent/Carer,

Would your child like to join our Christmas Crafts After School Club sessions with Mrs Mitchell in school?

The Christmas Crafts sessions are for a 6 week block in the second half of Autumn Term. There are enough spaces for 8 children from Yr1 & Yr2. There is no charge for the club. If the course is oversubscribed then we may have to ‘draw the names from a hat’. Your child can join more than one club if they wish to do so, as long as the clubs fall on different evenings.

It is essential that we are informed if your child is not attending the club.

Please note: If a child misses 2 sessions without good reason then they will lose their place at the club.



The club takes place each week on WEDNESDAY 

This activity takes place in the MUGA / Main Hall.

It starts at 3:30pm. Finishes at 4:15pm

Please note:- The Club commences on Wednesday 8 November 2023.

              The last session is Wednesday 13 December 2023.